Are health and fitness the same?
There is a common belief that being healthy and fit are the same, but it is important to distinguish the two. A person can be very healthy, but not very fit, as is the case of a gym fanatic who also smokes heavily or has a poor diet.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. This includes aging well, longevity, quality of life and freedom from pain.
It is a combination of the following components: endurance (cardiovascular and respiratory), stamina, strength, flexibility, power, coordination etc.
Achieving a high level of all these components is what makes us physically fit. This can be accomplished through a number of means, from eating right, exercising to managing stress.
However, the best way to achieve a high level of all these factors is through an individualised exercise program. This will not only ensure that all aspects of your fitness are improving, but it will also be a fun and rewarding experience.
If you are a beginner, it is important to start slowly and build up to longer sessions. Start with 5 or 10 minutes of activity and gradually increase your time, if you feel like your body is ready for more.
You should also include some rest days. If you are struggling with the intensity of your activity, or if your muscles and joints feel tired, it is okay to take a break after the first few sessions.
There are many ways to stay active and improve your health, including walking, cycling, swimming, yoga and other activities. Regular physical activity is not only essential for our overall wellbeing but it can help prevent or manage various diseases, including heart disease and diabetes.
It is also associated with improved mental wellbeing, a sense of well-being and a feeling of accomplishment.
In addition, improved fitness reduces the risk of certain chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. It is therefore recommended that everyone should try to become more physically active.
The World Health Organization defines fitness as a set of attributes all of us need to perform physical activities. These are: endurance, stamina, coordination, strength, flexibility, power and speed among others.
As we age, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a good level of health and fitness. In many cases, this may be attributed to genetics or the fact that we have less time to invest in our fitness, as we spend more and more of our lives in sedentary jobs.
There are a variety of different exercises and activities that can be used to improve our health, including aerobic exercise, weight training, jogging, dancing, flexiblity, balance and agility. It is important to consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program as they will be able to suggest suitable exercises for you.
A good exercise program will include all the major components of fitness, including: cardio-respiratory endurance, muscle strength and flexibility, body composition, and bone density. It is also important to incorporate balance, agility and coordination into your exercise routine.