Many people think that health and fitness are one and the same, but this is not true. Health refers to a person’s physical well-being, while fitness is a person’s ability to perform tasks and withstand the demands of daily life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular workouts, eating better, and getting adequate sleep can help keep your body and mind fit.
Exercise is widely known to reduce negative mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, but it also has the potential to boost positive mood states like happiness. Associate Professor Weiyun Chen and her team of researchers were curious if exercise increased happiness in the same way it reduced negative mental health conditions, so they conducted a comprehensive literature review to examine this question.
The researchers identified 23 studies that investigated the relationship between physical activity and happiness. Of these, 15 observational studies and eight intervention studies showed a significant and positive association between happiness and physical activity. In the observational studies, a weekly average of 150 to 300 minutes of physical activity was associated with happiness, with higher levels of happiness among those who exercised more than three times per week.
In the intervention studies, those who participated in a group exercise program reported higher happiness than those who did not participate in the program. This result supports the hypothesis that social connections may enhance the happiness-boosting benefits of exercise.
Additionally, the research shows that different forms of exercise have varying effects on happiness. For example, yoga and stretching improve happiness more than high-intensity exercises. Moreover, it is important to set realistic goals for yourself and stick to them. This will enable you to enjoy all the happiness that comes from physical activity and make it a part of your daily routine.
The study also found that a person’s age, gender, and body type can influence their happiness levels. For instance, young people tend to report lower levels of happiness than older adults and women. This is because of the hormonal changes that occur as a person ages, and the resulting impact on emotional wellbeing. Generally, however, it is recommended that individuals of all ages engage in physical activity to help improve their emotional wellbeing. This can be done through a variety of different exercises, and can include everything from dancing to yoga to even walking around your neighborhood. Regardless of the form of exercise you choose, the important thing is that it is a part of your routine and something that you enjoy doing.