Online Money-Making Ideas That Are Legitimate

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The internet is rife with opportunities to earn cash, but many of these online money-making ideas are scams. Beware of any opportunity that requires you to pay upfront fees, request your social security number or other personal information or demand that you become an affiliate. Instead, focus on online money-making ideas that are legitimate and offer a good return on investment.


If you have a passion for writing, blogging can be a lucrative side hustle. Bloggers often write to share their opinions and experiences, market products or services or educate others on a specific topic. The key to successful blogging is finding a niche and creating content that sets you apart from the competition.


If you’re a skilled photographer, selling your photos online is a great way to make money. Sites like Shutterstock and Alamy will pay you a royalty each time someone buys a photo from your portfolio. Alternatively, you can sell your photos through apps like Foap, which splits the revenue with you after each sale.

Video Games and Apps

If your mobile device has a camera, you can create a high-quality video and start earning from YouTube. Alternatively, you can make money by testing apps and games on sites such as Mistplay, QuickRewards or Survey Junkie. Many of these sites also let you earn loyalty points or gift cards that can be redeemed for money.

Creative Content

If you have an overflowing imagination and a flair for storytelling, making money online as a creative content creator may be the perfect fit for you. Whether you’re a singer, songwriter or writer, you can make extra cash through streaming platforms such as YouTube and Twitch, or you can create viral content on Instagram and TikTok.

You can also monetize your creativity by designing and selling merch on websites such as Etsy, where buyers browse through handmade crafts, home goods and other knick-knacks. Other popular online marketplaces include eBay, Amazon and Facebook’s Marketplace.

Freelance Work

If you’re a freelance writer, editor or designer, you can easily earn an income by working from home. There are many freelance websites that connect you with clients, including Fiverr, Upwork and Dribbble. Be sure to establish a solid portfolio before seeking out freelance work, and choose projects that align with your skills and interests.

If you’re looking to make fast cash, look for opportunities that don’t require much skill or effort. However, remember that no way to make money online is glamorous. Behind the scenes, there’s a lot of blood, sweat and tears.